Monday, July 18, 2011

First "Sick baby" Visit

I'll start with a recap of our weekend. We didn't do very much, which was nice for a change. Saturday mom, AC, and I went to florence for some frames and things for the house while Matthew played golf. Pop Pop surprised us with his rocking chair he had as a baby repainted pink for Annie Carlyle!
While she was sitting in it dad told me I should make her a cushion, I told him I thought the weaving was enough, his response was "pop pop just wants the best for Annie Carlyle!" soo cute...although I don't recall him ever telling mom he "just" wanted the best for Alex and me.

for those that know me well know that I jump from topic to topic, so here I go... I am a lazy typer I don't do spell check, I rarely capitalize anything other than I and I sometimes don't use punctuation.... if it hurts you to read all my typos I am sorry! you can talk to Alex about them, as I KNOW it drives her crazy!

Sunday we didn't make it to church because I spent half the night cuddling with the toilet on the bathroom floor and the other half I was feeding a baby. We ended up at the lake late afternoon with Matthew's sister, Bridget, and our nieces. Annie Carlyle LOVES the water, she hung out in her float in the lake till she got tired and then Sydney took her up for a nap.
Sunday night I finished summer school-- no school or work until August 15! I've also decided with my new freedom that Annie Carlyle is now at the age where it will be sad to go back to work and school, but I love my job and know that it is my responsibility to complete school, so back I will go.

Monday-- we spent the first half of the day at the doctor's off for our first sick baby visit, we made it almost 6 months! I thnk that is GREAT considering she was born in the middle of flu season. I called the doctor this morning and told them her symptoms, her ear was not draining and she was continuing to pull/scratch/rub her left ear. She appeared to be just fine but that was bothering me. I took her in and the left ear is blocked with wax too far down for the pediatrician to tell if it is infected and to get it out, so we're treating her with Floxin Otic ear drops twice a day and Amoxicilin by mouth twice a day. We go back next week to see if the wax has cleared up, if not we may be at an ENT dr. Although her ear is blocked/infected she continues to be her sweet/silly self.
I know how to post pictures on the blog but not on the page so here are a few recent ones of my girl!
 My favorite picture of her from the beach
 new pink rocking chair that's over 60 years old!

she cut two teeth and thinks she is grown now, she crawls to anything she thinks she can climb up and tries, usually resulting in falling

baptized July 10, 2011

1 comment:

  1. I miss my girl! I didn't know that was Dad's rocking chair till I read this. He's such a mush! And I think he forgot that you don't sew... that would be Nanny's job, Pop Pop.
